In recent years, hardly any artistic genre has evolved as much as photography. The boundaries between reality and illusion are as blurred as ever, icons come and go within a blink of an eye, and minor changes in history are lost in the endless stream of pictures. The intense process of artistic exploration often only starts after creating the image – in front of the computer, on a smartphone or within community consensus. But what actually defines a good picture? What distinguishes a good picture from one that is excellent? Having smartphone with an abundance of filters doesn’t necessarily make you a good photographer. Photography is a skill that requires inspiration, intuition, experience and the determination to share your point of view on the world – without being governed by the daily rhythm of blog rolls. Like every form of art, photography is about revealing a piece of yourself. Something that is so easily hidden behind foodporn, duck face and I-have-the-prefect-life selfies. That is essential the difference. Over the past years, the Ostkreuzschule has turned into talent factory spawning the best young photographers in Berlin. Ostkreuz-students are highly regarded worldwide. They have everything mentioned above. During their training, they have mastered their skills setting no limits to their artistic creation. They were able to make experiences and – above all –they were encouraged to find their own ways of expression. Starting October 10th, the graduate class will be presenting their work in a two-week exhibition at HO Berlin. Ostkreuz + HO = OHO. Oho! The vernissage will take place this Friday starting 7pm (free admission). More events such as a book launch and a panel discussion are to follow throughout the exhibition. See oho-oks.de for the full program. Go and get inspired. We need more pictures!
OHO – Ausstellung der Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie | 10.-24.10., Mon-Fri 12-10 pm, Sat+Sun 12-9 pm, Vernissage 09.10., 7 pm | Holzmarktstraße 66, 10179 Berlin | oho-oks.de | Facebook Eventlink



Kategorien: Events | Autor: | Datum: 08. Oktober 2015 | Tags: , , , , Keine Kommentare