
The 2 Minute Interview

Hendrik Otremba sings. Hendrik Otremba paints. And boy, does he! Both, we mean. And then he’s also a lecturer, works as a free-lance author, journalist, lector, songwriter and hosts his own radio show at BYTE.FM. Boy oh boy! His band Messer is well known in the indie world. His paintings caused a stir in the press, can be found on various album covers and grace many walls, for example those of the Galerie Jäger. Last Friday, he opened his latest exhibition together with Thorsten Nagelschmidt aka Nagel in the Tennisbar in Neukölln. A word with the artist, Sir! Do you have a favourite film?

Name: Hendrik Otremba
Age: 31
Home: Berlin
Profession: Artist
Shoe size: 42
Favourite tool: knife

Who or what inspires you?

Films, books, paintings – pretty unspectacular.

What satisfies you more: music or painting?
I can’t really distinguish between them. But painting is harder – if it’s grotty there, it’s really grotty.

Where should one of your painting definitely be hanging?
In a prison.

Your song for eternity? And yes, just one!
Scott Walker – It’s raining today

Your generation’s biggest problem?

What did you want to grow up to be?
Singer and detective, so I made it.

Which knowledge would you have liked to have had at 20?
Smoking is bad for your skin.

What are you really bad at?

What goes wrong?

Which moment changed everything?
My birth. After that, everything was different for me.

You can travel in a time machine. Which year do you set it to and why?
2015. That was nice.

With which famous person would you like to go out for drinks?
Pogo McCartney

What would you cook for us if we came to visit you?
Pasta a la Norma

What are you afraid of?
Something happening to my nearest and dearest.

Which super power would you like to have?
Being invisible.

What should no one know about you?
I’m incredibly vain.

Which question should we have asked?  
What’s your favourite film?

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