

Herbert is strong. All his life, it was mainly his physique, his strong presence and unyielding strength that characterized him and made him a successful boxer, the so-called „Pride of Leipzig“. But his pride has long faded… Now, Herbert earns his pay working as a debt collector for a dodgy guy. At least his boxing skills live on through Eddy, an Amateur Herbert coaches, his protégé. But something doesn’t seem quite right with Herbert. He starts feeling weaker and weaker, is plagued by cramps until he finally collapses. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS was a ubiquitous topic in the summer of 2014. Hundreds of thousands of people tipped buckets of iced water over their heads. Due to all the fun involved, the actual cause of the matter – drawing attention to a irreversible, incurable and merciless illness by imitating the pain it entails for just a second – was occasionally forgotten. So back to Herbert, the strong, mighty main character of Thomas Stubers feature film debut, who loses everything that ever defined him at a terrifying speed. He loses himself and we look on as the illness weakens him, paralyses him and steals the control over his body away from him, bit by bit. He is left with only little time to bring his affairs in order, to make peace with his daughter Sandra and granddaughter Ronja and take care of his relationship with his lover Maria. Actor Peter Kurth not only plays Herbert – he really IS Herbert. He lets us experience the life and suffering. Death is inevitable for him and simply by knowing this, we can join him on his journey from and to himself. Each minute, each second, intensely, finally, to the end, the salvation from the pain and from the shackle of the unsaid. A moving and grounding film. A truly good German film.
Herbert | e.g. at Thalia, Kino in der Kulturbrauerei etc. | Facebook | Trailer


Kategorien: Products | Autor: | Datum: 31. März 2016 | Tags: , , Keine Kommentare

Bissige Hunde


Vorsicht, bissige Hunde!

Okay, this is the first and probably only TV recommendation you’ll ever read from us. But it has its raison d’être. For one, our dear, dear friend Alex Eslam is part of the most beautiful couples cinematographic history has to offer (his girlfriend is the breathtaking Hanna Maria Heidrich, whom we introduced to you by interview a few issues ago). In addition to this, he is first and foremost an absolutely brilliant director. Not long ago, we visited the premier of his first feature film at the Kinosaal on Potsdamer Platz. “Bissige Hunde” (Dogs that bite) were in store – a nerve-wracking piece about a bank robbery in a small town, during which the investigating police officer suddenly realises that the surrounded bank robber is his own son, who has become caught up in a perfidious game himself. How far would we go to protect the ones we love? This is the question protagonist and audience keep asking themselves during these 90 minutes. The whole plot is orchestrated with such visual power, with an intensity so untypical for Germans in an artful combination of American gangster epic, Hellboy dialogues and Wes Anderson magic that it makes you ask yourself why the hell all other films “Made in Germany” don’t look exactly like this one. Dear “Tatort”-fans, please be strong now: this is what we expect from crime cinema in the year 2015 and if something like this is possible, then it is all we will want to see in the future. On July 4th, the flic is finally airing at 22.10 p.m. on the global channel SIXX. If you don’t know if you’ve already programmed this channel – this occasion is definitely worth the search. “Bissige Hunde” is opening a series called „Young Lions 7.1“, if once wasn’t enough you can enjoy the re-run at 3 a.m. We are mighty proud of Alex and his brilliant feature film debut. Enjoy!
Bissige Hunde | 04.07, 10.10 pm, SIXX | bissigehunde.de | Trailer


Kategorien: Products | Autor: | Datum: 08. Juli 2015 | Tags: , , , Keine Kommentare



So much has been said about this crazy cinematic roller coaster ride, the „coup of German cinema“, the „best film since Lola Rennt“. In one single 140-minute take the director Sebastian Schipper tells the story of the Spanish girl Victoria who meets four bad boys in a Berlin club and drifts through the city streets with them until the break of dawn. In the age of picture perfect and technically flawless Hollywood productions films are fantastic to look at but also decrease in intensity. Just imagine what a film like Boyhood would do with us, had it not been manipulated into a TV magazine aesthetic. Or how much actual horror would have been left in The Blair Witch Project without that shaky handheld camera? Film productions are compartmentalized projects with countless parties involved and too many responsible people focused on eliminating unforeseen occurrences. Under these circumstances we can barely imagine what it means to shoot an entire movie with just one camera – continuously, without one single cut. What if the lead actress forgets her lines at minute 139? You have to start all over again… It’s not like at the theater, where actors can quickly cover up mistakes with a smile or flippant remark directed at the audience. This approach is as radical as it is ingenious and its incredible success is well deserved. The proximity and immediacy of Schipper’s film has something rather magical to it. The film premiered at this year’s Berlinale and now is finally out for everyone to see. It’s playing at all our favourite Yorck Group cinemas such as the Passage and Delphi. GO. AND. SEE. IT.
Victoria – Film | Tickets  | Credit: Wildbunch Germany



Kategorien: Products | Autor: | Datum: 19. Juni 2015 | Tags: , , , , Keine Kommentare