Kerstin Michels


Kerstin Michels

The 2 Minute Interview

Kerstin Michels has THE best job. For her employer Event Inc. she cycles through Berlin, Germany and the world to find the most wonderful locations, the best caterers and the most amazing agencies. Well, maybe it’s exhausting at times, but she gets to see a lot and meets tons of funny, bizarre, friendly and crazy people – us, for example. Kerstin says about herself that she is in a good mood ninety-nine per cent of the time, is good at refurbishing old furniture, and says „huh?“ all too often, at least when friends don’t stop talking about all their needs and worries but forget that she is deaf on one ear. Van Gogh feature! That´s probably why she missed the “Keep off the grass”-sign last time. Wait, that doesn´t make any sense! She really has got our heads spinning…


Name: Kerstin Michels
Age: 26
Location: Berlin
Occupation: Location Scout for Event Inc
Shoe size: 39
Favourite place: Marmolada on a sunny day


How did you celebrate your last birthday? Enjoying time with my favourite people. Unspectacular, but fantastic!


Berlin is…. Always exciting and always different. And sometimes it’s just a small village.


How do you spend a perfect Sunday? Either sleep-in and have breakfast in bed OR: get on my bike at 6.30 in the morning and cycle all the way from Friedrichshain to Grunewald and back again – while the city is still sleeping. And then have brunch. Either way, have a good breakfast!


Rules for a good party: A great location – what else am I to say!? But no matter how unusual the location might be – in the end it’s the people you spend the evening with that count the most.


What do you spend too much money on? Food, good drinks and old furniture. But that’s ok.


What quality do you value most in people? Honesty and the ability to accept criticism.


What is the current wallpaper on your phone? A picture of „The Rose Table of Perfect“ by James Lee Byars, taken during my last visit to the MoMA PS1 with Anne.


iOS or Android? iOS – I just can’t cope with Android. I have the Apple virus.


What is your greatest weakness? Chocolate and ice cream. Preferably both.


What is your contribution to help improve the world? Concerning co2: I always try to use my bike to get everywhere. Apart from that‚ I try to be considerate – it’s the small things that make a difference.


How does the “Keep off the grass” sign get on the grass? Ups, I’ve never noticed.


If we came to visit you, what would you cook for us? I wouldn’t cook anything at all. But my boyfriend would make sushi and homemade matcha ice cream.


What are you afraid of? I usually don’t find out till I’m afraid… and that frightens me!


When did you last try something new and what was it? Sneak Preview at the movies last Monday. Whiplash was showing – I probably would never have watched it otherwise. But I was completely hooked! I wonder whether I’ll be as lucky again next time.


What should no one know about you? Oh, there are lots of things no one should know. But of course I can´t tell you.


Which question should we have asked? Definitely not: What is your favourite thingamajig…


Last words: Should sometimes be left to others.

Kategorien: People | Autor: | Datum: 04. März 2015 | Tags: , , , , , , , Keine Kommentare