Julian Riedelsheimer


Julian Riedelsheimer

The 2 Minute Interview

Julian Riedelsheimer ist Co-Founder & Geschäftsführer von 99chairs, einer ziemlich pfiffigen Plattform für kinderleichte und maßgeschneiderte Inneneinrichtung. Die Idee: anmelden, individuelles Designkonzept von einem Inneneinrichter erstellen lassen und die ausgesuchten Möbel ohne Aufpreis nach Hause bestellen. Klingt genial? Ist es. Dazu muss man wissen, dass Julians Eltern ihn dazu verdonnerten bis zum 19. Lebensjahr mit seinem Kindermobiliar vorlieb zu nehmen. Folgerichtig ist dann wohl das richtige Wort an dieser Stelle. Ob er aus der Zukunft noch weitere Startuplösungen mitbringt oder sich lieber mit Jesus in philosophische Diskussionen über wässriges und französisches Essen versteigt bleibt offen.


Name: Julian Riedelsheimer
Alter: 26
Wohnort: Berlin, Mitte
Beruf: Geschäftsführer bei 99chairs
Schuhgröße: 41
Lieblingsmöbel: Mein selbst-designter Esstisch und der Kleiderschrank von Patrick Kerti aus Kreuzberg
Kontakt: riedelsheimer.julian@gmail.com


What does your home look like? Top floor with a glass front, minimalist, industrial, Scandinavian and yet cozy. 

Is it exactly how you wanted it or did it just evolve that way over the years? Just as it should be, I had a professional interior designer plan it for free. ;) We have all our job applicants design our apartments for us, too. The results are quite impressive.


Which start-up would you like to have started? Not would have ­– I already did. 99chairs.


Floor boards or parquet flooring? Parquet flooring. Decorated with marks from my girlfriend’s high heels.


What piece of furniture are you embarrassed about? None in my apartment. But I used to be really embarrassed about my room at home. Most of my friends got new furniture when they were about 14. I didn’t. I was stuck with my children’s room until I was 19.


Share a magical place with us! The enchanted forest at the Fusion festival.


Which piece of art would you like to own? A park.


The most beautiful apartment you’ve ever seen? Hmm, hard to say. But the most beautiful apartment I’ve ever stayed in was a gorgeous airbnb loft in Lisbon on a short break with my girlfriend.


Where do you feel at home? https://www.airbnb.de/rooms/4154938


Do have any quirks or strange passions for collecting things? Apps. I install tons of different apps on my iPhone just to see what they’re like.


If you had the chance to use a time machine, what year would you choose? The year 3000. I’d copy all the technology and bring it back to 2015, become immortal and take over the world.


Please finish the sentence:  I got 99 problems, but…
…a chair ain’t one. 

Which book, film and record should everyone have read, seen and listened to?
Books: „Predictably Irrational“ and „Thinking, Fast and Slow“
Films: Four Lions. And The Notebook – such a nice film ;)
Records: I’ve never had any records, I’m more the digital type. This is what I’m currently listening to: https://soundcloud.com/allti…


Which famous personality (dead or alive) would you like to have drinks with? Elon Musk and ask him about his next awesome idea. Oh, and Jesus, of course. To find find out how he actually turned water into wine.


What’s your favourite joke?
A couple is having sex. She starts moaning.“Come on, give it to me, baby. Tell me dirty things.“ ­– „Kitchen, bathroom, living room.“


If we came to visit, what would you cook for us?
Starter: Escargots à la Bourguignonne
Main course: Coq au vin
Dessert: Soufflé au chocolat


What are you afraid of? Getting old and senile.


What superpower would you like to have? A Saiyan’s. (hmm, we’ll have to google that, editor’s note)


What should no one know about you? I’m starting to get a receding hairline.


Which question should we have asked? How can I get to know you?


The Last Word: Just drop me a line, I like meeting new people. Let’s have lunch, coffee, dinner… :)


Kategorien: People | Autor: | Datum: 15. April 2015 | Tags: , , , , , Keine Kommentare