Julia & Judith (Newniq)


Julia & Judith (Newniq)

The 2 Minutes Interview

Julia and Judith have known each other since their childhood. They really like each other and after successfully manoeuvring through the pitfalls of city life, they decided to do business together as well. About one and a half years ago, they founded the crowd buying design platform Newniq. Julia is Masterette of Design and Judith is Masterette of Overview – that’s roughly the distribution of tasks here. They create new and unique designer pieces for their Newniq shop and on their Newniq blog they fill you in on all the latest design gossip. They’re also planning a pop-up store and have got lots more up their sleeve. We hope to find out more about all of that soon! Oh, and here’s some more good news: Julia is having a baby! Congratulations!!!


Name: Julia | Judith
Age: 32 | 32
City: Berlin
Job: Founder of Newniq, Illustrator and Art Director | Founder of Newniq, Key Accountant und Event Manager
Shoe size: 40 | 40
Favourite Designer: changes on a weekly basis | Julia – obviously!
Contact: julia@newniq.comjudith@newniq.com


What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
Julia: Fear doesn’t really hold me back from doing anything.
Judith: Bungee Jumping. Just letting myself fall… ha-ha.


What is your advice for young entrepreneurs?
Julia: Take a deep breath and keep going. Never lose joy in what you’re doing. Take a deep breath and keep going. Never lose joy…etc.
Judith: Before founding: Be sure to talk about the idea. Often entrepreneurs tend to keep their idea a secret because they’re afraid of someone stealing it. Rubbish! My advice: Talk about it a lot – get as much input as you can. And don’t forget: you know you’re stuff better than anyone else – nobody will be able to steal it just like that. And let’s be honest: If someone really want’s to pinch your idea, they can still do it when you’ve already launched it :)


You never leave the house without which accessory?
Julia: iPhone (yeah, what a surprise…)
Judith: A single accessory? I have a whole bag of accessories I never leave without! I like to be prepared…


What is your most precious possession?
Julia: My family and friends.
Judith: My family and friends. The simple truth.


What can’t you get enough of?
Julia: Liquorice, Loriot, friends.
Judith: Life! May sound a bit philosophical, but that’s the way it is.


What is your contribution for a better world?
Julia: Green electricity and Tupperware. I’m pretty sure that makes me an incredibly sustainable person.
Judith: Sometimes I pretend to be Superman. Does that count?


Please complete the sentence: I’d like to be … for one day.
Julia: …a whale
Judith: …in space


What do you spend too much money on?
Julia: Travelling (Though I’ve not regretted a single cent).
Judith: Eating out. I haven’t mastered the art of cooking yet.


With which famous person (dead or alive) would you like to have coffee?
Julia: Robbie Williams. I really need to overcome my teenage crush.
Judith: Oh God, I can’t decide … there are just too many.


What would you cook for us if we visited you at home?
Julia: Greek cuisine with several starters and probably far too much. But you can just take home the leftovers in Tupperware containers.
Judith: I’d „cook“ raclette or pasta. Yeah, I’m a real pro. But there would be fancy napkins and everything would be presented really well. I worked in the hotel industry for a long time – some habits just stick.


What are you afraid of?
Julia: That something happens to the people I love.
Judith: It’s such a cliché: I’m afraid of spiders. (If you mean screaming at the top your lungs when afraid…)


When did you last try something new and what was it?
Julia: A Latte with almond milk – a perfect way to make me gag. Ugh, yuck!
Judith: I think it was this cell-phone-camera-selfie-stick-thingy – didn’t work. I got bored and went back to taking pictures the old-school way.


What should no one know about you?
Julia: How often I sit in front of the TV – crying. (Right now, I’m blaming it on the evil pregnancy hormones.)
Judith: That I’m secretly saving up for a house in Tuscany. 4,58€ is what I have so far. I’d say it’s going pretty well!


Which question should we have asked?
Julia: How do I manage to be so incredibly beautiful and well educated at the same time?
Judith: Any – except this one. I just don’t have an answer to it.


Last Words:
Julia: Hmm, I should memorize some famous quotes for the next time. They always go down well…
Judith: I like to have them.

Kategorien: People | Autor: | Datum: 12. August 2015 | Tags: , , , , , Keine Kommentare