
We’re looking for: completed full training, communicative personality, computer skills, several years of working experience. We offer: a creative working environment, great colleagues, customary salary for our line of business. That’s is just about what a regular job advertisement looks like. What you as an applicant will actually get out of this job remains vague. How the company has positioned itself, which company culture is being lived, what exactly defines a great colleague is all not really specified. „Especially women find it very important to get a feeling for the company before the application”, says Nora-Vanessa Wohlert, who founded EDITION F with Susann Hoffman in 2014, the digital home for women that want to do their own thing in the job and in life. And that is why the portal is being expanded to include a new, specific and above all contemporary Female Recruiting-Service. Where until now, job advertisements were simply listed, applicants can now have a closer look behind the scenes of the companies. For the launch of the new job exchange, companies like Accenture, Deutsche Bahn, ProSiebenSat.1 or Zalando show what defines them as employers. Today, the culture of the company is often what tips the scales towards the job you decide on. Identification with your employer is more relevant than ever in times where a job isn’t just “a job” anymore, it’s part of your life. EDITION F has understood that.
EDITION F Jobbörseeditionf.com/jobboard
