


43 new emails in your inbox, deadline in two and a half hours, Granny’s birthday and don’t forget that grocery shopping, grab a bite and deflect the phone call from your best friend and oh no, the post office closes in 10 minutes… Stop. Pause. Breathe. Come around again. Even though your New Year’s resolutions included being more mindful, taking more breaks for some me-time, the daily grind just keeps getting in the way. Even just ten minutes micro-holiday per day would make all the difference for spirit, well-being and inner peace. This is where Andy comes in. Andy Puddicombe, the guy with the formidable British accent, dropped out of his sports science studies years ago in favour of travelling the Himalayans and get involved with meditation. This experience was the foundation for the Headspace-App, the virtual mental pause button for every day. This App provides meditation exercises for all needs and levels. The best access for sceptics who still confuse meditation with the collective singing of mantras in the smoke of incense sticks is the programme Take Ten, which is free of charge. Andy’s warm and calming voice leads you through 10 minutes of mindfulness on 10 consecutive days. We tested the programme and are now totally OMM. After the test comes the subscription (for iPhone, Android or computers) and access to hundreds of exercises from 2 minutes to an hour, with and without instructions. Smaller bits are available for certain everyday situations, the SOS-Session, for example, for acutely difficult moments. Whole series attend to a particular focus – be it health, performance or relationships. Meditation supports concentration, the small breaks protect from excessive stress and help reduce fears and find inner balance – positive effects on physical health, creativity and relationship behaviour included. So we won’t be ignoring that best friend’s call – instead, we’ll invite her to dinner and then placidly answer the 10 most important emails. »Free your mind, and the rest will follow«
Headspace | Mindfulness-App for iPhone, Android and computers | | from 4,74 Euro per month

Kategorien: Produkte | Autor: | Datum: 06. April 2016 | Tags: , , , Keine Kommentare

From Belize with Love

From Belize with Love

Good chocolate is like good wine or good Whisky. Once you’ve tried it, you can’t possibly go back to the cheap stuff from the discounter – never, never ever! If you’ve ever chewed raw, pure chocolate sweetened, at the most, with a dash of raw cane sugar, you know exactly what we’re talking about. This combination of bitterness and slight sweetness that literally makes your mouth water while you’re inquisitively rolling the bite from one side to the other in order to a) let as many taste buds as possible in on this pleasure and b) to savour the flavour spectrum of the best of all treats in all its epic splendour. This chocolate makes you happy, some have even reported states close to intoxication. If that is true, the Belyzium in Berlin Mitte is something like the Hell’s Kitchen of chocoholics. Because this is where you get the good stuff, the pure, the clean, the lovingly, sustainably and organically grown, harvested, fermented, dried, roasted, ground and refined dope. Have you ever eaten real chocolate? Ever tried 100% cocoa? They say it has magical powers and lets you grow wings. In plain English: The Belyzium is a small tree-to-bar cocoa manufacturer, meaning the team is responsible for the entire value chain from cultivation to processing of the organic cocoa beans, from the recipe and production of the fine chocolate creations to packaging and transport. And it’s not only about taste, but also about social, ecological and economic meaning. This aspiration, this value is in every single product, this aspiration, this value can be tasted in every single product – be it pure cocao nibs, fine truffles, ice cream or chocolate bars with or without cherries, Maya chili or sea salt. Those who want to take indulgence to the next level can take part in the weekly 2-hour workshop the Belyzium offers and dive in to concoct their very own creations. We’re giving away a spot for two in the next workshop to the particularly hedonistic among you. Send an email headlining ‚BROWN SUGAR‘ to Welcome to Level 2!
BELYZIUM – Tree to Bar Chocolate | Lottumstraße 15, 10119 Berlin | z.B. Belyzium 100 mit 100% Kakao, 50g Tafel, 5€ |



Kategorien: Produkte | Autor: | Datum: 31. März 2016 | Tags: , , Keine Kommentare