Just swap it!


Recently, in Neukölln. „One double espresso long shot to go, please.” “In there?” “In there!” 320,000 coffee-to-go cups land in the garbage in Germany. Per hour, that is. That makes 2.8 billion per year. There has to be a better way. Is what many clever people thought and started different projects and initiatives that deal with this problem and offer comfortable solutions to change our consumer behaviour. The most exciting at the moment is called „Just Swap it!“ by Boodha Project and it’s celebrating its pilot phase in Berlin. Gently and one step at a time, Ulli and Clemens wanted to start introducing their to-go-cups with a deposit to selected stores in Neukölln and Kreuzberg. The feedback, however, was so overwhelming that more and more café owners and passionate to-go-drinkers are yelling for a fresh supply and larger distribution area. The Just Swap it! principle is easily understood. All participating cafés, bars, etc. offer the ultra posh cups including lids and anti-drip rubber cuff in two sizes. The cups are made of biodegradable bamboo fibre, are dishwasher-proof, extremely light and super nice to touch. For four Euros, you can take the cup with you, the first hot drink of your choice to fill it is free (a small goodie for a good start). So basically, you have now bought a cup for four Euros that you can take with you wherever you go and have it filled up. So far, so good. The special part is, that you can give the cup back at any participating café anytime you want and will get your four Euros back. Because they’re nothing but a deposit, which is particularly practical when you’re out and about without your cup but suddenly feel a yearning for a coffee to go. No worries, just take a new cup and bring it back whenever it suits you. To make a long story short: Just Swap it! is a deposit system for to-go cups. And it’s one that can really work. For reasons not entirely unselfish, we have our fingers crossed that this project will take over the coffee-landscape in Berlin and later on, the entire country. In closing, here is a personal thank you: Dear Boodhas, Thank you for creating a to-go cup that is small enough that you can have it filled with a double espresso long shot without feeling like a complete idiot. Size does matter.
Just Swap It! | Boodha Project | http://justswapit.de/ | Facebook

Kategorien: Products | Autor: | Datum: 30. November 2016 | Tags: , , , , , Keine Kommentare


We’re looking for: completed full training, communicative personality, computer skills, several years of working experience. We offer: a creative working environment, great colleagues, customary salary for our line of business. That’s is just about what a regular job advertisement looks like. What you as an applicant will actually get out of this job remains vague. How the company has positioned itself, which company culture is being lived, what exactly defines a great colleague is all not really specified. „Especially women find it very important to get a feeling for the company before the application”, says Nora-Vanessa Wohlert, who founded EDITION F with Susann Hoffman in 2014, the digital home for women that want to do their own thing in the job and in life. And that is why the portal is being expanded to include a new, specific and above all contemporary Female Recruiting-Service. Where until now, job advertisements were simply listed, applicants can now have a closer look behind the scenes of the companies. For the launch of the new job exchange, companies like Accenture, Deutsche Bahn, ProSiebenSat.1 or Zalando show what defines them as employers. Today, the culture of the company is often what tips the scales towards the job you decide on. Identification with your employer is more relevant than ever in times where a job isn’t just “a job” anymore, it’s part of your life. EDITION F has understood that.
EDITION F Jobbörseeditionf.com/jobboard


Father, dear father, can you not see?


Father, dear father, can you not see? „I feel something strange happening to me. As if I had small holes“. Says André, a widower in his seventies, who is slowly losing his orientation in life. André is “the father“, the protagonist of Florian Zellers play “Der Vater”, that is being performed with great success on stages throughout Europe since 2014. In the Renaissance-Theater, Walter Kreye is now portraying André, a man losing his grip, being pulled in more and more by the disease Alzheimer’s, losing touch with himself, with his surroundings, with the present. He is living a life in which space and time increasingly lose their meaning. Surrounding him are the people of his daily life, his daughters, his son-in-law, more and more nurses, all trying to help him achieve what the proud patriarch find’s increasingly difficult: a normal life. But what’s normal, anyway? The highly decorated French novelist and playwright Zeller has managed to turn psychologically depressing, nightmarish material into an almost comedic farce about the power of perspective. The audience experiences 15 elaborately interlaced scenes from the perspectives of the increasingly dement André and are forced to take his view on his surroundings, to see what he sees, to recognise who he recognises, to believe what he believes. Different actors are appearing in the same role or change their appearance during the evening, making you lose your belief in reality in the audience, as well. We’re giving away two pairs of tickets for the performance on December 8th at 8 pm. Send us an email headlining “WHO AM I AND IF SO, HOW MANY?” to hurra@muxmaeuschenwild.de.
Der Vater | December 1st to 11th, 2016 | Renaissance Theater Berlin, Knesebeckstraße 100, 106623 Berlin | Tickets

Jacques Colman

The 2 Minute-Interview

How long does it take to found a brand of watches? Answer: approximately half the length of the Templehof field. That’s exactly how long the walk was that Jacques Colman and his partner in crime Michael Gilli took, during which a first idea became a tangible resolution and then turned into the decision to found Lilienthal Berlin. A watch like Berlin is what the two of them wanted to create, did create. It took vision, imagination, assertiveness and creative genius. Let’s check: Jacques generally looks ahead, preferably about 100 years – definitely visionary. His great-granduncle was a wrestler in New York (assertiveness) and created the „drop kick“ (creative genius). Which remains to be proven. On top of all this, Jacques is super nice, as it turns out, pretty funny and, thank God, a little crazy, too. Who could seriously want to be a flying fish? ;) C’était un grand plaisir!

Name: Jacques Colman
Home: Berlin and Cologne
Profession: Managing Director at Lilienthal Berlin
Shoe size: Normally 45
Favourite time of the day: The blue hour
Contact: jacques@lilienthal.berlin

Are you French?
Why does everybody ask me that? I mean literally everybody? For a time, I used to just answer yes, to make matters easier. But each time I do that, it’s someone who speaks fluent French and I end up exposed.

Watches aren’t driven by time, but by batteries and similar things. Does time even exist?
Of course it does! Why else would everyone be complaining that they don’t have enough of it?

What is “time”?
Clearly a gift and a challenge rolled into one. And that’s why our watches should tell us that it’s okay to take some time if you need it.

Which characteristics do you appreciate most in your partners?
Ha! What would we be without each other? We really complete each other remarkably well. But just as important is that we get along so well as a team. We spend so much time together that that’s indispensable. But the best part is that we can get into arguments and bitch at each other and then still go out and have a beer together in the evening. Or several even.

What would you change in your life if you could turn back time?
Does anyone really want that? Ultimately, you’re exactly where you are because things happened as they did. And I feel pretty good, right here right now. And besides, I much prefer to look forward. It’s in my personality.

What is typically Berlin for you?
That “typically Berlin” is always changing. And surely the nonchalance in the face of the biggest hustle and bustle.

What would you like to be better at?
Table tennis. Even though I am almost unbeatable already – at least when I’m playing against my colleagues – my serves could sometimes just do with a dash of more spin.

You can travel in a time machine – which year do you enter and why?
As I said, I prefer to look ahead and would love to see what the world will look like in couple of hundred years. Although, of course, you could trip and fall out of the time machine to find yourself on a totally destroyed planet. Oh wait. Or is that the present?! Oh dear.

The hero of your youth?
My great-granduncle was a wrestler in New York and invented the “drop kick”. I mean, really. Any questions?

Who or what were you in former life?
I have actually never asked myself that. But I would really like to be a bird. Or a fish? Maybe a flying fish? Or a swimming bird? Next question, please.

What is your contribution to a better world?
Ok, now we’re getting serious. I am convinced that the way to a better world lies in the smaller as well as the greater things. Daily at the supermarket checkout as well as in the choice of the right materials and partners for our watches. We don’t have to be perfect in everything straight away, but if all humans – who have the opportunity – keep working on making the world a better place, than at least the chances will get better that everything might not blow up in our faces. That’s the principle I and we here at Lilienthal try to live by.

What would you cook for us if we came to visit you at home?
Well, yesterday I made burgers with home-made chickpea buns and Portobello patties. Now, not trying to lean too far out the window, but: they were actually pretty great! When are you coming?

What are you afraid of?
Please refer to the question about the time machine…

When was the last time you tried something new and what was it?
Well, we’re working on a whole scope of new straps for our watches. So the correct answer is probably: every day!

What would you change if you had the power to?
I would become the president of the US. It can’t get any worse anyway.

When will we finally get a Black-Black to flash around? ;)
It’s on the top of my to-do list right after this interview!

Last words:
Let’s get ready to rumble!


Kategorien: People | Autor: | Datum: 30. November 2016 | Tags: , , , , , Keine Kommentare



Have you ever been to Ha Duong’s minimalistic luncheonette The Klub Kitchen? Boy. Oh. Boy. It’s. Good! And on top of that, it looks soooo good, too! The successful fashion designer traded needle and thread for cooking spoons and, remaining true to her fashion principles – minimalism, high-class material, unobtrusive colours – has created a café-restaurant with international cuisine in the middle of Mitte. The heart of the Klub Kitchen is the open kitchen. Here, specialities from around the world are prepared from fresh ingredients daily – the composition are made up of, for example, avocados, pomegranate seeds, quinoa, edamame, buffalo mozzarella or fresh fish make our food-loving hearts beat faster, they fill us up and make us happy. The menu of the Klub Kitchen changes regularly, so your taste buds are guaranteed to never get bored. You live or work in Mitte? Well hurry up and get there fast, this is our new favourite lunch spot. You don’t live or work in Mitte? Never mind, get there fast, too. Same reason.
The Klub Kitchen | Mulackstraße 15, 10119 Berlin | Opening hours: Mon – Sat 10 am to 7 pm | Facebook

Digital Marketing Genie gesucht

SEO, Afiliate Tracking, Retargeting, AB Tests. Schonmal gehört? Kennst du dich mit aus? Großartig, wir nämlich noch nicht so richtig. Und das wollen und müssen wir dringend ändern. Deshalb suchen wir zum nächtsmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine(n) native Marketing Manager(in) in Voll- oder Teilzeit. Es erwartet dich ein sensationell nettes Team aus PR-, Event- und Markenmenschen und ein spannendes Aufgaben- und Kundenportfolio, das seines Gleichen sucht. Du bist mitverantwortlich für die Konzeption von Online-Kampagnen, die Optimierung, Planung und Umsetzung von Online-Marketing-Maßnahmen, strategische Content-Planung für Online- und Social Media Kanäle, sowie die kontinuierliche Analyse, Auswertung und Optimierung dieser. Deine vollständige Bewerbung inklusive Vita und Gehaltsvorstellung sendest du am Besten direkt an team@muxmaeuschenwild.de.

Studentische Aushilfe gesucht

Du studierst in Berlin oder ganz nah bei? Du hast richtig Lust und Zeit, dir ein bisschen was dazu zu verdienen, praktische Erfahrung zu sammeln und uns für 15-20 Stunden in der Woche vor allem an der PR-Front zu unterstützen? Großartig, wir freuen uns darauf dich kennenzulernen. Schick uns deine Bewerbung am Besten per Mail an team@muxmaeuschenwild.de.

PR Manager gesucht

Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem offenen und begeisterungsfähigen Menschen mit guten Ideen und sehr guter Ausdrucksfähigkeit in der deutschen Sprache. Konzeptionelles Arbeiten, hohes Engagement und Zuverlässigkeit sollten für dich selbstverständlich sein, und du bringst ein gutes Gespür für Lifestyle, Marken und Trends mit. Du hast Erfahrungen im Tagesgeschäft einer PR-Agentur, d.h. du kannst punktgenaue Pressetexte verfassen, dich mit Journalisten und Multiplikatoren vernetzen, Kontakte und Verteiler pflegen, Reportings, Themenpläne und Mailings erstellen. Du brennst darauf eigene Ideen und Konzepte gemeinsam mit einem jungen, motivierten Team zu entwickeln und umzusetzen? Dann los! Schick uns deine vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen mit Angabe deiner Gehaltsvorstellung und des frühestmöglichen Starttermins per E-Mail an team@muxmaeuschenwild.de. Wir freuen uns!

Kategorien: Pinnwand | Autor: | Datum: 30. November 2016 | Tags: , , , Keine Kommentare

Keep The Change


Some maths for you: There are about 7 billion humans living on our planet. Every ninth of them doesn’t have enough to eat.  So that’s 795 million. 100 million are children. Ten times as many people own a smartphone – so that makes two billion. Question: How much does it cost to feed one meal a day to a starving child? Doesn’t make sense? Oh yes it does and the answer is 40 cents. ShareTheMeal is an initiative of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), the largest humanitarian organisation fighting hunger. The idea is as simple as it is ingenious. ShareTheMeal shares mini donations via its app und converts them straight into meals for starving children. And this is how that works: download the app onto your Apple, Android or Amazon phone and the next time you’re having brunch, lunch or dinner, just remember to share your meal with a child in, for example, Lesotho, Africa. One click in the app, done. It’s like giving a tip, but has much more impact. The United Nations World Food Programme takes care of distributing the food for you. And the best part is that all costs for administration, transport, marketing and logistics are already taken care of, so 100% of your donation actually make it to the plate. The app is made in Berlin and is starting in Germany, Austria and Switzerland initially. Current status just now was at 9,230,983 shared meals already. Trend: Rapid! Conclusion: It works. Hunger is the largest health risk world wide – bigger than AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis put together. It is our moral, societal and yes, economic duty to get a grip on this solvable problem. Hiding is not an option. It has never been this easy.
ShareTheMeal | free of charge | App StoreGoogle Play Store | Amazon

David Regehr

The 2 Minute Interview

David Regehr is landscapist, creative head of the Monbijou Theater and co-operator of Clärchens Ballhaus. He works as artistic director, freelance stage designer, prop master and father of four. He takes care of pretty much all work on the above mentioned houses – from restoration to architectural alterations to PR for the current production of the Märchenhütte. And next to all that, he is designing the stage for Wim Wenders’ production of ‚Die Perlenfischer‘ at the Schilleroper. Oh yes, and he has also founded a charitable cultural club. Whether he has any time to laugh during all these goings on, we don’t know. And we forgot to ask. All the more reason to look forward to Königsberger Klopse and home-grown apples from his garden in Trebbin. Because they, apparently, are the best you can get in the entire city, he told us „off the record“.

Name: David Regehr
Age: 49
Home: Berlin
Profession: Stage designer, landscapist
Shoe size: 47
Favourite fairytale: Godfather Death. The Märchenhütte version, of course.
Contact: david@ballhaus.de

Which fairy-tale figure is most like you and why?
Hans in Luck, because he’s also always keen on new deals. But it’s not so much about the result as about the fun in trying something new. That’s the same for me.

What is the most useful feedback you have ever received?
From my painting professor: “It’s not about what you do, it’s about what you don’t do.”

If you had one hour extra to spare each day, how would you spend it?
Sit in front of a tree and paint.

If you had to describe your work, which three words would be the first to come to mind?
“Entertainment” as defined by a dialogue between actors and audience, an amusing show and a salary.

What was the craziest thing you have ever done?
Doing Clärchens Ballhaus with absolutely no clue what it is and how it works.

If you hadn’t become a stage designer, then surely….
A stressed art star.

What are you afraid of?
Not hair loss.

Island, iPod, just three songs on it. Which ones?
First „I’ve got a feeling“ by the Beatles and then the Bach cantata „Ich habe genug“.

What would you cook for us if we came to visit you at home?
Königsberger Klopse, of course, Mama is 82 and originally from Breslau.

When was the last time you tried something new and what was it?
It was a while ago. I was invited to a very classy social event. Dinner was molecular cuisine by a famous Swiss gourmet chef. These abstract dishes just didn’t do anything for me and I went home hungry.

What would you change if you had the power to?
The result of the election in the United States of America.

What should no one know about you?
What I was constantly thinking between the age of 12 to 18.

Which question should we have asked you?
What the last thing was that really made me laugh.

Last words:
Do what you enjoy doing, at all costs.

Photo: Bernd Schönberger


A Body In Three Parts

SCHAUB†HNE BERLIN    Premiere 22.01.2000 SASHA WALTZ " Kšrper "              copyright: Bernd Uhlig,Warthestrasse 70, D-12051 Berlin  POSTBANK BERLIN Blz: 10010010Konto Nr.: 349860101 IBAN DE19 1001 0010 0349 8601 01   BIC  PBNKDEFF Abdruck nur gegen Beleg und Honorar

When the outgoing state secretary of culture, Tim Renner, and the governing mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, announced that Sasha Waltz, born in Karlsruhe, and the director of the Royal Swedish Ballet, Johannes Öhman, are to take on the superintendence of the Staatsballet Berlin in 2019, there was a tremendous outcry in the ensemble. But why, we wonder. Sasha Waltz belongs to cultural, to dancing Berlin like the Television Tower belongs to Alexanderplatz. You can put it somewhere else, but it wouldn’t be the same. At the end of this year, we can look forward to something like the unofficial Sasha-Waltz-Festival in three parts. In the piece ‚Körper‘, Waltz and her company bring beauty and ugliness, the inside and the shape of the human body to the minimalistic stage. In 1999, a choreographical trilogy about humans and their body, filled the, at the time empty, Jüdisches Museum with moving physicality. ‚Körper‘ is the first part of this trilogy and, after a long time, can be seen in Berlin again at the end of November. ‚Le Sacre du Printemps‘ by Igor Strawinsky, on the other hand, is considered one of the key works of modern time, as a masterpiece of dance and music history. One hundred years after it came into being, Sasha Waltz took on this unusual, seemingly archaic, tension-filled and edgy composition on behalf of the Mariinsky Theater. Closing the little Waltz-Festival from December 15th to 18th will be ‚Allee der Kosmonauten‘, so the piece that brought her world fame, in the exact spot where everything began: The Sophiensäle in Berlin Mitte, which just turned 20. Free theatre, culture in progress and Sasha Waltz? Fits together. If you need some convincing, here you go! Future means change, means common ground. Which would do dancing Berlin good. Find the dates for the most beautiful marriage of culture below.
Sasha Waltz & Guests | Körper,  November 23rd to 27th, 2016 Haus der Berliner Festspiele | Tickets | Sacre November 25th , Staatsoper im Schillertheater | Tickets | Allee der Kosmonauten, 15.-18.12.2016, Sophiensäle Berlin | Tickets | Facebook | Foto: Bernd Uhlig

Gifts From The Soul

1986, Wham! gave away their heart for Christmas, 8 years later, Mariah Carey didn’t care for any presents and just wanted her sweetheart for Christmas. Today, we think a present or two is something lovely – be it to give or to keep. But gifts with soul, please. The fair fashion label FOLKDAYS from Berlin is setting up temporary shops with befriended brands and makers in the run up to the Holidays for fair and sustainable Christmas shopping. The counterpart to the thoughtless power-consumption during the heavy advent season. And there quite a few soulful names amongst them: The one-month-pop-up-store in the FOLKDAYS showroom will be housing fairness-favourites such as  Selo  with their refreshing soda made of coffee cherries, fabulous organic cosmetics from Und GretelConflict Food  with groceries from areas in crisis or the vegan condoms from einhorn Condoms.  So there will a lot more to shop than fashion and accessories and not only in Berlin. The B-Lage in Hamburg’s Kampstraße will be hosting the pop-up store with 14 different labels at the end of November and in the beginning of December, FOLKSDAYS is bringing the idea to Munich. And the best is yet to come: we’re giving away a shopping voucher worth 50 Euros for each of the locations to the particularly fair thinkers and givers amongst you. Send an email headlining ‚ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS GOOD‘ and the city of your choice to hurra@muxmaeuschenwild.de.
Folkdays & Friends Pop Up Shop
 | Berlin:  November 24th to December 24th FOLKDAYS Store, Manteuffelstraße 19, 10997 Berlin,  Mon to Fri 10am to 7pm, Sat 11am to 6pm | Munich: December 2nd to 4th Freundschaftsbande, Hans-Sachs-Straße 5, Entrance Ickstattstraße, 80469 München, Fri to Sun 11am to 7pm | Hamburg: November 25th and 26th B-Lage, Kampstraße 11, 20357 Hamburg, Fri to Sat 11am to 7pm | | folkdays.de


Kategorien: Places | Autor: | Datum: 24. November 2016 | Tags: , , , , , Keine Kommentare